Friday, January 25, 2008

Weekend Plans

I'm super excited! The plan is to head to Delhi and hit some markets. Pashminas, Purses, Jewelry.......

This week has been so uneventful. Monotonous. Work, home, work, home... I'm over the culture shock, although I did see a wandering pig just out and about on the way to work today.

This is why I'm so looking forward to going to Delhi on Sunday! I'm looking for a new experience and a reminder that I'm in a different country with a different culture and a different way of living, as a minority.

Most of my general work contacts had plans this weekend. It's Republic Day here, the day India celebrates it's independence for only about 60 years now. So, I asked my class if anyone wanted to hang out with me. Right now, I think we have a group of 3-5 going.

Security has been tight because of the holiday. Every night on the way home from work, my drivers car is checked for bombs strapped to the under-carriage. Last night they even looked in the trunk. To check the underside of the car, they have a mirror on a dolly at an angle with a flash light strapped to it so they can see at night. I'm not too concerned about this tho. After 9/11, my car was searched the same way when dropping family off at O'Hare.

More to come after the weekend. I'll also have more pics to share then, too.

Until later, Namaste.

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